Any protocol to Google Cloud gateway

Our company offers three versions of converters of various protocols enabling data transfer to the Google Cloud Platform.

  1. Apis Box – a simple device that allows for the conversion of basic protocols, most often 1 to 1.
  2. Crabro Power Box – a device that allows you to convert data sent through many different input protocols and send it to the Google Cloud Platform.
  3. Protocol multiconverter software with the same functionality as described above, which can be run on different environments.

Our solutions currently support popular protocols from the energy industry (including IEC 61850, DNP3, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104), IoT (MQTT), and industrial (Modbus) as well as some proprietary protocols. At the customer’s request, we can easily expand our platforms with additional protocols.

Along with our solutions, we provide our customers with specialized software Drosera to define mappings and configure the device. This desktop tool offers an intuitive user interface.

Our solutions communicate with the Google Cloud platform through the Pub/Sub Rest API. To establish a secure connection to the cloud, the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which is recommended by GCP, is utilized. OAuth, an abbreviation for ‘Open Authorization,’ is an open-standard framework designed for secure and delegated access to resources on behalf of a user.

Would you like to read more? Read our article: How to send energy data to the cloud?

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